
Showing posts from October, 2020

Week 10: Email Marketing

For our business, I think sending a newsletter monthly is a good start. So many things happen in our department weekly, that time-wise it would be realistic to send one out monthly. Sending it out once a month would allow us to showcase our athletes-of-the-month and game highlights. We have a lot of alumni, but we don't do a great job of keeping in touch with them. I would love to be able to spotlight one of them each month to see what they are up to since leaving the program.  Because we are not actually playing any sports, coming up with more creative content is the way we have to go. Right now we could share how are athletes are coping with not being able to participate in their sports and how they are staying in shape.

Week 9: Blogging

 Blogging is an excellent way to increase the flow of traffic to a website because a blog humanizes a company. While not all blogs are about personal things the blogger themselves has experienced, the blogger can still share personal notes as they relate to the business. When people read blog posts they know a human being actually took the time to write the blog, whereas information on a website is just straight forward with no personal flair.  A great way to add a personal touch to a blog is for a testimonial. A lot of companies only allow their best employees to write testimonials for the company that is then shared on their blogs or websites. Being honest about the company and what they are doing makes the customer trust the company/brand more because they could be a shared connection. If the company sells soaps specialized for people with certain skin disorders, a testimonial from an employee who has a skin disorder will make others feel more comfortable knowing they are b...

Week 8A: Expanding Your Reach via Hashtags

This week I chose to look at Mt. San Antonio College, Fullerton College, UCLA and North Texas University's athletic accounts. I found it interesting that the only school that consistently uses the same hashtags is UCLA, which is #GoBruins. The other schools will use them sporadically or not at all. UCLA has 116K followers, while North Texas has just under 9K. The two smaller schools, Fullerton and Mt. SAC have 400 and 600, respectively. Again, UCLA is the only school that has more than five comments consistently on their posts. Maybe this has to do with the fact they are a larger school that is nationally known, whereas the other schools are smaller with a more specific audience. Both UCLA and North Texas have very clean posts with minimal design to them. Fullerton has a lot of editing to make the photos look "cooler" but it looks weird and, in my opinion, turns the viewer away from their content because it is hard to see. On our accounts, we do minimal design to catch th...

Week 7: Alternate Assignment

For Palomar's Athletics Instagram, we use a majority of still images in our stories and for main content. It seems to be effective for us, but we definitely have more engagement with posts regarding specific teams. Because our social media presence is still new, we have a handful of our athletes following us and certain teams utilize different platforms. For example, the majority of our Instagram followers are women's basketball and softball players, while Twitter is mainly football and baseball. We try to content plan for videos, but as a one-person shop, the video planning gets pushed to the side for more pressing matters.  We use the hashtags, #CometPowered☄️ , and #PalomarAthletics. The Comet Powered one came from a spin-off of the school's, #PalomarPowered. We wanted them to be similar but their own entities. For specific posts, like school-related ones, we use #ScholarComets and for athletes who move on to the next level, we use #NextLevelComets. We follow almost all ...

Week 6B: Facebook Strategy Cont.

 For my scheduled content, I have started a new series called Comet History. I am going to dig through our archives to find stories that make our history so special and promote why student-athletes should choose our school. The person who wrote these stories really put our school on the map when it came to writing about our students and I want to honor him in this way. I think this will be good content because our fans love the historical aspect of things, so I think they will have fun engaging with the content. 

Week 6: Facebook Strategy

 Here is a list of pages I have followed as Palomar College Athletics Orange Coast Community College Athletics Grossmont College Athletics California Community College Athletic Association Bakersfield College Athletics California Community College Baseball Athletic Association Mt. San Antonio College Athletics Riverside Community College Athletics I chose to follow these pages because they have a good grasp on what works for Facebook. Since this is one area I want to work on for my department, I wanted to follow pages that are doing well so I can get inspiration for my content. I can also see what is working and what isn't for those pages which allows me to plan for better content. By having better and more consistent content, my audience will grow because more people will be liking and sharing the content.