Week 10: Email Marketing

For our business, I think sending a newsletter monthly is a good start. So many things happen in our department weekly, that time-wise it would be realistic to send one out monthly. Sending it out once a month would allow us to showcase our athletes-of-the-month and game highlights. We have a lot of alumni, but we don't do a great job of keeping in touch with them. I would love to be able to spotlight one of them each month to see what they are up to since leaving the program. 

Because we are not actually playing any sports, coming up with more creative content is the way we have to go. Right now we could share how are athletes are coping with not being able to participate in their sports and how they are staying in shape.


  1. Good Job, sending out a monthly newsletter is a good idea. I could not figure out the other portion of this. Totally clueless on what she wanted.


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